The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the list of candidates eligible for Certificate Verification in respect to the recruitment notification No. 18/2016, for the post of Group 2 services. Earlier, the commission has released the results of the APPSC Group 2 Mains examination on 16/11/2017. The certificate verification process scheduled from 03/01/2018 to 20/01/2018. The details regarding dates for individual certificate verification will be announced soon.
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*Clarification Regarding CV List:*
Many friends commenting that even though they got more marks than those in the CV list, their no is not in the CV list. The selection criteria for Group 2 is very different from all the other APPSC posts. So,the typical reasons for this things are as followed.
1) We all known that selection will depends upon many factors like basic qualification, additional qualification, post preferences, etc.
2) A candidate with *statistics/accounts/Computer* background will have *priority for Selection* than those with ordinary degree
3) Many (nearly 400) posts are there for common degree candidates (B.A/B.SC/B.Tech). This is main drawback for ordinary degree candidates.
4) While the candidates with Computer/Statistics/Maths Qualification can apply for all the posts. So, they have high chances of Selection.
So, those who are with low marks in the CV List means, they Will have Statistics/Maths/Computer background and given correct post preferences well suited for their Qualification.
That's it. No gambling.
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Tags: appsc group 2, appsc group 2 cut off, appsc group 2 cv list, appsc group 2 marks, appsc group 2 results, appsc group 2 certificate verification list, appsc group 2 2016 results, appsc, group 2, appsc group 2 results analysis, appsc group 2 category wise results
Tags: appsc group 2, appsc group 2 cut off, appsc group 2 cv list, appsc group 2 marks, appsc group 2 results, appsc group 2 certificate verification list, appsc group 2 2016 results, appsc, group 2, appsc group 2 results analysis, appsc group 2 category wise results